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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Donations for the Cotin Church Repair can go to
Gospel Growers
PO Box 92814
Southlake, TX  76092     NOT  Smithville
7:42 pm edt 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cotin update
I was "talking" with some of my Haitian friends who are from Cotin on Facebook.  You who have been there in the past on Mission Trips would perhaps be interested to know that ever since the 2010 Earthquake, the Church there has been damaged and has yet to be repaired. 

If you feel led to help with repairs to the Church at Cotin you can send a donation to our Smithville office in Texas.  Make sure you designate your gift for repairs to Cotin Church.

Pastor Luke passed away and there is a different Pastor there now.  It would be great to get up a Mission Trip to go there and evangelize the area once more.
10:23 am edt 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day of the Dead
Even as early as September it's approach is always heralded by the customary ghoulish and ghostly signs-- Halloween is coming!  Growing up, this was one of the most looked for holidays as a child.  Dressing up, walking around in the dark with others, knocking on doors with the usual "Trick or Treat", comparing and relishing the treats afterwards--these were fun times.

Now, being more spiritually aware, I am wishing for a different way to celebrate this autumn ritual.  Perhaps we should dress up as Biblical characters.  When asked who we were supposed to be it would be a means of sharing our Faith.

In Haiti, its not the 31 October which is held there to celebrate spirits and demons, its the 1 November.  This is the official Catholic/ Voodou date for remembering and placating the dead.  Normally it is observed by trips to the cemetery to clean and spruce up the burial sites of family members so as to please them and make them less likely to haunt the living.

Voodou ceremonies are held through the night with drums, wild dancing, liquor and demonic possession.  Participants taken over by the spirits will roll on the ground, do sexy gestures and other abnormal things.  Sacrifices of cocks, goats, pigs, etc. are a part of the gory proceedings.  These things are thought to please the spirits of ancestors and loas (demonic beings) and make them less likely to cause mayhem and trouble.

Protestants celebrate the 31 October as Reformation Day, remembering the work and life of Martin Luther.  On our Radio Station we always observe this day by talking about  why the Reformation was and still is important today.  Many people, especially the young are coming to Christ as they start to hear and understand the GOOD NEWS that awakened Luther--THE JUST ARE SAVED BY FAITH.

Good works and observing traditions will not save anyone, only coming to Christ will reconcile one with GOD.
7:34 am edt 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Getting the Gospel out...
I attended church at New Life Community Church today.  It was neat to hear a missionary that works in the Far East speak and talk about his work there.  His organization works in places like Tibet, and China.  There is a hunger for the Gospel in other countries even while it is waning in the USA.  Haiti is coming alive also.

We in the "Christian" countries can profit spiritually from the zeal, courage and willingness to suffer that new converts bring into the Kingdom.  Prosperity and "every day can be Friday" type theology now being espoused by many TV Pastors has a softenening and weakening effect on Christian character.

Paul exhorted Timothy to be a good "soldier" in steeling himself by self sacrifice and a willingness to suffer for the Lord.

Of the 7 churches mentioned in Revelations 1-4,  the best was the evangelically minded Philadelphia Church, and the worst was the lukewarm, self satisfied Laodician Church.  What kind of Church do you attend.....?
3:23 pm edt 

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