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The blog on this page contains messages from Sam.  Check back often to get the latest on his ministry in Haiti.

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Thursday, December 31, 2009

"In order to be able to be aroused to praise and thank the Lord rightly it is necessary for us to bear well in mind the good things He has done for us.  We have got all the fatherly love of God which creation bears witness to!  We have got all the merits and defence of the Son so that no sin is imputed to us and no law or threat befalls us!  We have got the Holy Spirit with all His grace, chastisement and solace in our hearts!  Or maybe it is a small thing to have only God- Only God-  His friendship and His kingdom.?  May the Lord preserve us, if we think such things are small, so that some dreadful evil will not befall us because of such rank ingratitude!  Therefore, do not stop praying to God before you have got a heart that has its highest happiness and peace only in Him and His friendship.  Then you will have there a deep ground for an eternel peace, bliss, and gratitude."  CO Rosenius

HE IS TRULY OUR EBENEZER----Thusfar hath the Lord helped us.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Happy New Year 2010 to all Gospel Growers staff and supporters,  may our Lord continue to prosper and bless until his coming for His Church, an event that is not far off!
11:31 am est 

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Prayer & Praise report
Merry Christ-mas!  We want to thank all who helped us with your prayers that God would send some rain as we were suffering under a dry spell.  We've had rain for 2 days!!!   What a wonderful gift for this Christmas!

Things are quiet in Haiti as many are not able to celebrate much this Christmas except spiritually.  Unemployment is 70%  and relatives in the states who sent money down are under economic constraints.  Only the Lord can help Haiti through the difficult times it is experiencing.

You who are in better circumstances be sure to be thankful to God for his mercies and grace!
5:52 am est 

Friday, December 11, 2009

Many thanks to the home study group that meets in the home of Jim and Ronni Guerriero of Southlake, Texas!  This year as last year they have sent funds so that the church here in Dariol can celebrate a Christmas fete.

For a review of last year's celebration look in archives of this blog. (Jan. 14, 2009)

There will be a week of revival services from 25 to the 31 of December culminating in the Agape meal on New Year's Eve.  As this has been an especially disappointing year as far as crop production is concerned, the fete will hopefully encourage the people as they reflect on God's providence and Christian generosity.

Please pray that God will provide for the people until rains start up again.
6:25 am est 

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Absolute Indispensibility of Jesus Christ
As I indicated in my last posting, we would be very ill-advised to let anyone try to remove Christ out of Christ-mas.  Jesus is the sole solution that God has given mankind to deal with their sins and be reconciled to Himself.  Apart from Jesus,  no other religion deals with the question of Sin.

It is through the birth and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, and His Resurrection that God has dealt in the following manner with sin:

1) God removes our sins from us as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12)

2)  God completely cleanses us from the stain of our sins (Isaiah 1:18)

3)  God throws our sins behind His back (Isaiah 38:17)

4)  God remembers our sins no more (Jreremiah 31:34)

5)  God treads our sins underfoot (Micah 7:19)

6)  God casts our sins into the depths of the sea,  (Micah 7:19)

Jesus resolves the question of sin for all those who come to Him, and accept Him as Lord and Savior.  Mohammed, Bhuddah, Vishnu, Confucius, and all others cannot do this for us.

Praise the blessed name of Jesus!!!!!
9:34 am est 

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas without Christ?..........

It seems that it has become politically incorrect to mention the name of Jesus Christ in the White House and on Capital Hill.  It has also become apparent that their unstated wish to ban His name from our country.

There is only one great problem with that....what will you do then with the problem of SIN?  That very uncomfortable and inconvenient word...why, simply create legislation banning it as well.  So it would seem is the current administration's plan.

1 John 1:10 states that "If you claim you have not sinned, you are making God a liar and showing that His word has no place in your heart."

If you ban Jesus Christ you take away the only Solution that God has given us to deal with sin.  Acts 4:12 says "There is salvation in no one else.There is NO OTHER NAME in all of heaven for people to call on  to save them."

Get rid of Jesus?  1John 2:2 states that" He is the sacrifice for our sins.  He takes away not only our sins but the sins of the world."

Hands off our Jesus, Washington!  May you all have a very blessed CHRIST-MAS as we celebrate and thank God for the gift of His son, Jesus, who was born in human flesh to live and ultimately die for us on the cross so that our sins could be  forgiven-- there is no greater gift than that!

6:12 am est 

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Take Heed

It has come to my attention that there is a person here in Haiti using the name of this Mission in his email address.  He is using Yahoo as his server.  Please disregard any messages from this person as he is in no way a member of this Mission.       

We are still hurting for rain.  The crop will be a failure most likely.  Please pray for rain for us.

As a further sign that we are indeed in the last days,  the are a number of pseudo Christian/voodoo cults forming under the guise of being Pentecostal Christians with prophecies and healings.  We are doing what we can to make sure that the evangelical churches here have a sound doctrinal base that centers solely on the Bible.

Besides the churches we founded at Sauvage, Dubois and Metayer,  we have 2 new sites at Frederic and Bodary.  It is are hope that in the time remaining before the Rapture many more souls will be saved.  Please support us in our efforts to continue to minister to the people here in Haiti.

We are praying that you in the states and elsewhere will also accelerate your efforts to reach the lost before the Door of Grace closes.

8:53 am est 

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